Festival spirits not dampened by wild weather

The recent days of bad weather in Byron Bay hasn’t deterred crowds at the Byron Writers Festival 2016.
Bring your gummies to #ByronWF2016 the team have been punping water out of the sight for 36 hours @Heartbeat2479 #thewriterscoach.co
— liss caldwell (@CaldwellLiss) August 5, 2016
Only in Oz : barefoot local surfer joins the crowds on day 1 of top writers festival #byronwf2016 #straya pic.twitter.com/uO2aYYmpeX
— Emma Rusher (@singingline) August 5, 2016
Brief showers are alternating with lots of sunshine, and while people are rugged up against the wind, the mood is relaxed and inquisitive.
Great to see so many people braving the rain – bit of sunshine peeking through at #byronwf2016
— Megan A. Morgan (@_MeganAMorgan_) August 5, 2016
#ByronWF2016 if no gumboots plastic bags over shoes are prooving a trend
— liss caldwell (@CaldwellLiss) August 5, 2016
Annabel Crabb, Charlotte Wood and Tim Fisher were among the first sessions for the first day of the Festival.
Made it to #byronwf2016. Hobbling, but here. Listening to @charlottewoodau
— DB Tait (@DBTait) August 5, 2016
"You want to write a book that you want to read" – @janeharperautho at @bbwritersfest #byronwf2016 #thedrynovel
— Lachlan Rutherford (@fundamentalnail) August 5, 2016
The War Panel ft. Tim Fisher, @rosscoulthart, and Edna Carew. #byronwf2016 pic.twitter.com/r6hddfFe7t
— Megan A. Morgan (@_MeganAMorgan_) August 5, 2016
And as the coffee lines round their way out the tent, festival-goers have settled in for the day with Magda Szubanski and George Megalogenis live on ABC Books and Arts, and Wendy Whiteley talking about her Secret Garden with Janet Hawley.
The Festival continues until Sunday August 7.
Report compiled by Jacqueline Munro, a Bachelor of Media student at Southern Cross University.