News & Editorial

25 September 2023

Benjamin will take students on a journey to discover their own inner poetry, what it means to access spontaneity and their creative flow, how different poets use various techniques and styles, the use of rhythm, imagery, metaphor and surrealism.

Benjamin had first poetry published as a teen in adult literary journals. He has since published two anthologies of poetry, The Song of a Hundred Miles and Night Swim.

Marketing & Comms

21 September 2023

‘But I don’t know what to write…’ Ever heard that one before? In this fun, engaging, highly imaginative (and frequently surprising) creative writing workshop, students are taken through a process, invented by Melaina one dark and stormy night… Actually, it was a moment of playfulness that led to the invention of a writing technique which has since delighted kids and adults across Australia. Both highly enjoyable and strangely effortless, the outcome of this workshop is the beginnings, bones, inspiration, and discovery of images and stories your students might never have believed themselves capable of.

Topics covered

  • How to generate an idea from ‘nothing’
  • How to discover and develop story through internal perception & external experiences
  • How character motivations can create plot and vice versa
  • How to use the senses to deepen and enrich story
  • How possessions, surroundings, and memory can create and deepen story

Curriculum outcomes 

  • Writing and representing
  • Thinking imaginatively, creatively and interpretatively
  • Expressing themselves
  • Create literary texts that explores students’ own experiences and imaginings
  • Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings
  • Create literary texts by using storylines, characters and settings

Marketing & Comms

21 September 2023

Not all people will be writers, but everyone is a storyteller. Long before pen and paper and keyboards and screens… people told stories. Out loud, and in the moment, with some being passed from mouth to ear for millennia. Stories are at the heart of being human, (we all know how it is to try telling students to stop talking!) and learning to tell a story well is a priceless life skill. In this fun, action-packed workshop – students will learn specific skills and techniques for crafting, remembering, voice work, characterisation, gesture, movement, and the presentation of a story. They will be given opportunities to develop confidence in public speaking and becoming more engaging storytellers!

Topics covered

  • Crafting stories to tell aloud
  • Techniques for exploring and memorising stories
  • Voice work
  • Creating characterisation through voice, gaze, and gesture
  • Movement
  • Overall presentation skills

Curriculum outcomes 

  • Thinking imaginatively, creatively and interpretatively
  • Expressing themselves
  • Performing Arts
  • Language, ideas and dramatic meaning
  • Mood and atmosphere

Marketing & Comms

21 September 2023

In this practical workshop, Sarah (who has written novels for both adults and children) will teach students techniques to get their writing flowing, as well as concrete, practical tools to create narrative tension and to deepen character. She explains how students can write ‘scene’ to create immediacy for the reader and to show rather then tell. Most students write in summary and find it a revelation to learn about writing in scene. She shows slides with examples from others’ writing, and illustrates with anecdotes from her own writing experience. She gets the students writing straight away, and they’ll do lots of writing throughout the workshop.

This workshop is targeted at stage 5 and 6 and also suitable for keen and focused stage 4 students.

Topics covered include: Free-writing as a brainstorming tool and fast, effective way to write a first draft; fleshing out character using free-written character histories; when to show and when to tell; using scene to ‘show’ and create immediacy; writing a sensory brainstorm to add effective detail to scene; student Q and A.

Marketing & Comms

21 September 2023

Picture book and middle-grade author, Zanni Louise, helps high school students develop stories that are meaningful to them. Students will do a deep dive into narrative structure, literary techniques and editing.

Marketing & Comms


15 December 2021

In 2024 join author Shel Sweeney for a series of masterclasses where students will develop their creative writing techniques across a range of genres. Classes are designed to be fun and celebrate the joy of storytelling.

This is a FREE year-long program 5 sessions per term – Registration essential.

Term 4 dates

Thursday 17 October

Thursday 31 October

Thursday 14 November

Thursday 28 November

Thursday 12 December

Time: 5 – 6.30pm
Where: Lismore Pop-up Library, 146 Molesworth St, Lismore NSW 2480
Suitable For: School years 7 – 12

Shel Sweeney is a freelance editor, writing mentor, counsellor and teacher. She works with children, young people and adults throughout the Northern Rivers region.

Shien Chee


15 December 2021

Join author and teacher Melaina Faranda for a series of masterclasses where students will learn and experiment with a range of creative writing and screenwriting techniques.

We are hoping to run the 2024 Byron Masterclass in the second half of the year. Watch this space for more information.

2024 Dates: TBC

Melaina Faranda

Author and teacher Melaina Faranda is passionate about working with young people, helping to foster their creative talent and be inspired by infinite possibilities.

Byron Writers Festival

25 October 2021

This self-editing workshop is a distillation of techniques gleaned from working with twenty plus editors from over ten different publishing companies and for many students is surprisingly enjoyable! The focus is not on grammar and punctuation, so much as specific editing techniques taught in a step-by-step easy format that even the most disinterested writers can use to instantly improve their writing (and marks). Great for NAPLAN or HSC preparation.

Topics covered

  • A brief demonstration of the process of having a book edited and an embarrassing confession
  • Distinguishing between the art and craft of writing a story
  • Numerous self-editing techniques that can be repeatedly used to improve students’ drafts

Marketing & Comms


25 October 2021

Sam will teach students how to write and perform slam poetry. Please note, this workshop includes video, so an IWB or computer and projector with speakers is required.

Topics covered

  • Poetry
  • Performing/public speaking with flair
  • Self-expression

* Workshops Poetry for the Page and Poetry for the Stage can be combined

Marketing & Comms


25 October 2021

Sam will show students the steps she followed to write the beautiful poem that features in her picture book Remember the Rainbows. Students will then write their own poetic masterpiece, experimenting with techniques including repetition and rhyme.

Topics covered

  • Writing from real life
  • Emotive language
  • Poetic devices

* Workshops Poetry for the Page and Poetry for the Stage can be combined

Marketing & Comms

25 October 2021

This workshop will address translating a set text/narrative into a series of illustrations. The complexity and length of the text can be adapted to the proposed duration of the workshop and the age of the students.

Michelle will take the students/participants through the process of creating a rough, initial visual storyboard, from which they will select at least one rough draft to work up as a final illustration so a set size ratio.

The set text teaches participants the specific requirements of professional illustration where the artwork is invariably working with subject matter which may, at least in part, require them to draw elements/objects they would not consider by choice.

They will also investigate working to a set size across several drawings and having to adjust their compositions/ideas accordingly, taking into account text placement, scale issues and centre lines of double-page spreads. We will also address issues of keeping continuity across a series of drawings

I will also address the importance of the artist bringing their own visual contribution/subtext to the narrative.

Students will be encouraged to work images/illustrations up in their own choice of materials, ie Collage, pen and ink, watercolour, paint, colour pencil or a combination of media.

Topics covered

  • Translating text to image
  • Storyboarding
  • Mockups
  • Drawing to scale
  • Composition
  • Continuity.
  • Use of materials.

Marketing & Comms


25 October 2021

A one-off workshop or multi-session workshop on scriptwriting and filmmaking tailored to suit the students’ interests. Benjamin has also run social justice filmmaking workshops over a term or two in secondary schools, where students work towards creating short films for screening at a mini-festival.

Marketing & Comms


25 October 2021

Tailored to any upper primary and high school students, Benjamin delivers an inspiring workshop exploring ideas of being a ‘story hunter’, encouraging students to find and develop ideas, understand simple structure to engage readers and above all make writing fun.

Marketing & Comms

25 October 2021

This workshop takes a unique approach to discovering a character through a process of segueing back and forth between their character’s inner world of perception and outer sensory experiences. Students will literally write on a drawing they create.

Topics covered

  • Discovering an original character vs inserting stereotypes into a story
  • Using aspects of their character’s body to reveal and record their experiences
  • Distinguishing between the character’s exterior sensory world and perceptions of it
  • Learning how to use their character’s inner and outer world to create a story plot

Curriculum outcomes 

  • Writing and representing
  • Thinking imaginatively, creatively and interpretatively
  • Expressing themselves
  • Create literary texts that explores students’ own experiences and imaginings
  • Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings
  • Create literary texts by using storylines, characters and settings

Marketing & Comms

25 October 2021

Writing an imaginative story is not a linear process, with the best and most unique and engaging ideas frequently originating from hidden creative depths. This workshop teaches students a variety of techniques to access their own imaginative depths, through a series of specific portals into story ideas. Especially useful for NAPLAN preparation!

Topics covered

  • How the imagination works
  • Stream-of-consciousness writing for warming up
  • How to get ideas through a variety of stimuli including: objects, the senses, and random words and images

Curriculum outcomes 

  • Writing and representing
  • Thinking imaginatively, creatively and interpretatively
  • Expressing themselves
  • Create literary texts that explores students’ own experiences and imaginings
  • Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings
  • Create literary texts by using storylines, characters and settings

Marketing & Comms